Post by btcantgetburns on Mar 3, 2016 3:22:08 GMT
Hey guys, its BT here to present to you a new event : RMT Week
What this event is about is that its people posting their "Lord Squads" and having a active RMT section!
Seeing as this is the first week, the prize will be 30/15 Bucks and here is what we are expecting.
Grading of Teams
There 2 two general things we will be rating the teams based off of: Style and Teams viability.
Whats the good in a RMT that doesn't look pretty? Nobody is going to read it.
Additionally, whats the point of a pretty RMT that isn't viable.
Teams will be graded out of 10, and you may PM me to find out your RMT's score, style and Team viability are both worth 5 points each.
General Rules all RMT's must follow:
They must have extensive testing to polish it up.
Any tier is generally allowed, but please do not include any team meant for a specific tier such as league battles.
This doesn't include Monothreat teams or anything of that sort.
Your team must include a importable version.
Your team cannot be taken from someone else, and proof of this bans you from future RMT weeks and will result in a automatic disqualification.
State the tier in the RMT Title and the RMT itself.
Your team MUST have a Tag in front of the name, this tag is: RMTW#, the # means the week number, for this instance the Tag will be: RMTW1.
Custom text is recommended. This creates a more enjoyable read for the reader.
Sprites also create a more enjoyable read, i'll provide useful links for where to find sprites and where to make custom text.
A catchy title helps lure people into reading your RMT. Make the title related to the actual team.
Screenshots of ladder peaks, replays, and anything else you can think of to help prove to us the viability of the team.
Sprites :
Custom text : ,
All RMT's must be submitted by March 9th, 9:00 AM EST In the TEAMBUILDER SECTION: HERE
Good luck to all who join